Monday, July 13, 2015

Introduction to Blog

I like God. Not just any God, but the God who introduced himself to Moses as "I am", and the God that Jesus called "my father". I like to learn about God and from God. I like spend to spend time thinking about God and talking to him. I like the Bible because it helps me learn about God and learn from him. I like talking about God. That is why I am writing this blog. I want to talk about what I am learning and thinking about God.

In my life I have read a lot of theology--the study of God. Some theology books treat God as if he were a specimen to be analyzed and his characteristics catalogued. Others treat God like a machine and read like a users manual informing users how to use the machine to get the best results. I would rather talk about God as a person with a personality, values, plans, projects, relationships, and even incomprehensible quirks. I want to write about the God I am getting to know. So, this brings us to the title of this blog, TheoKnowance. It is word that I just made up with three parts: theo from Greek meaning "God", know from English meaning "to know", and ance from French meaning "an ongoing activity". So TheoKnowance is the ongoing activity of knowing God.

I doubt if anything I say in this blog will actually be original. I suspect that everything I say has been said multiple times over the past few thousand years. So right up front I am going to give credit to the human race for all my ideas, but also acknowledging that the God's Holy Spirit has had a big influence on the good things said by humans. I will quote and paraphrase a lot of scripture, but many times I will neglect to name the translation that I am quoting from. Mostly it will be from the World English Bible (WEB), the English Standard Version (ESV), or the Revised Standard Version (RSV).

This blog is dedicated to the glory of God.

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