Sunday, January 12, 2020

Why I Believe: Miracles of Answered Prayer

I am a believer in God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and in His son, Jesus Christ. This is the second of a six part series about Why I Believe
Previous (#1 of 6)  Next (#3 of 6)

A friend of our family had been suffering from multiple sclerosis for a number of years and was slowly deteriorating. Many were praying for her. One Thursday my wife and I went to her home to visit her and saw that she was mostly bedridden because of the pain and the weakness caused by the disease. Three days later she came bounding into our Sunday school class full of energy and with no sign of the disease. She had been healed.

One of the reasons that I believe in God is because of miraculous healings like this that I have witnessed personally or heard about from reliable sources. The one thing the healings all had in common, was that they all followed prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, whether there had been many prayers or just a few. I have personally experienced sudden healing three times in my own life.

Twenty five years ago, I came down with a severe case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Among its many symptoms were extremely low energy and post exertional malaise (PEM). If I exerted too much energy at a time, within a few hours the PEM would set in with extreme weakness and virus like symptoms, that could last anywhere from a day or two to months. Many people prayed for me. Three years into the disease, a crew of young people volunteered to help replace the siding on the second story of our house, a week long project. They were eager, but unskilled so I had to invest energy in doing prep work and managing them. At the end of the first day of doing a little prep work, I expected to suffer severe PEM for several days. But the next morning, there was no PEM. So, I worked a little harder that day. For the rest of the week my energy steadily increased until I was working as hard as anyone else. I had been healed.

It is true that there are far more cases where people were not healed after many impassioned prayers, and I can't explain that, but I choose to base my faith on things that I see God doing rather than on what He doesn’t do.

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